Hi all-So sorry for the slowness in getting a new blog up-it's been busy ( and fun) at the shop with our Wacky Wednesdays-be sure to see the update for tomorrow-lots of goodies! I hope all has been good with you all-I went up to visit my folks over Father's Day-we were lucky enough to go through my dad's childhood home as well as his grandparent's (my great grandparent's!) home-his childhood home is up for sale in the Newton, MA area-chock full of memories-his father, my grandfather died after coming home from the war-this when my dad was 15 years old...I could see the tears in his eyes when he was remembering how his dad left for the hospital for brain surgery. And the anguish on his face as he recounted how he carried 50 pound buckets of "clinkers" up the bulkhead stairs to the street for pickup. But the joy returned when he told of how his dog, Jake, would , at bedtime, jump into a baby crib (no longer used for babies) at the top of the stairs...so many things I learned that I never would have known...a special Father's Day for both of us.
Well, enough about me....the above will be available soon-patterns that are hard to find or out of print by La D Da-one of our favorite designers!! Six great animal designs including, that's right, Amy, Sachi the Elephant!! Look for it here at the shop soon!!
Well, off to finish the day's activities-stay in touch and hope you like the special of the week tomorrow!
XOXO to you all!