Still waiting on the Prairie Santa for 2009 and for more information on the special stocking book that Blackbird is releasing for Halloween-this will be a book of thirteen miniature stockings similar to their monthly books they have released since January. As soon as we have more information we will pass it along. Suffice it to say if you are interested in preordering one let us know asap-we also have preorder forms for the 2009 Prairie Santa and the 2009 Just Cross Stitch ornament issue. Don't be left out in the cold-sign up now!!
Hope all is going well for all of you-I have two day s left of sun and fun and then back home to my little monkeys and my friends ( read family!) at The Strawberry Sampler...when I tell people I miss work and home they think I'm nuts...I'm sooo lucky to have both a great home and job with lots I people/dogs I love. I wish the same for all of you!! Til tomorrow--Molly