Hey all-Don't know if you can see these pics-I was trying to upload them one at a time but...it's Friday-that wouldn't happen, right??! Nonetheless, very cute pillows-not in yet but soon...
Hope you all have had a good week-I have been out straight-and when I stop I've been poopered! It has been busy here, and we are eternally grateful for that...we are so thrilled to see each and every one of you email, call or enter our doors....Beth and I are still working on the Friday the 13th orders..we are going to try to get most out today--I am way behind on frames and to anyone waiting, I apologize--I may try to take some home this weekend just to try to get somewhat caught up.
Yesterday I had eye and dentist appointments which were long overdo but successful-I go to a place in Newtown, Bucks County where I started going over 25 years ago-the two doctors are twin brothers-the office is filled with friendly, wonderful people-both doctors are so personable...but when I got home-done! I sat like a slug! My dogs loved it though!!
Well more later...hope you all are terrific--and that your weekend is the best!!