Hello and Happy New year to you all! I'm sooo sorry it has been so long since my last blog--I have been up in Vermont with my folks-my dad was in the hospital over Christmas. He is home as of Tuesday-he has Pericarditis-an increased amount of fluid in the sac around the heart. It can be quite serious if not treated. Other symptoms can include extreme fatigue (yes), difficulty breathing especially when vertical (yes), swelling of the ankles and feet (yes), anxiety (yes)... the doctors at Dartmouth-Hitchcock are treating him with high doses of aspirin...needless to say the only and best gift I received was getting him home on Tuesday. I came home yesterday and sat on my kitchen floor for what seemed like an hour just loving on my pups!! They jumped all over me-my face is chapped with doggy kisses. I am here at work today (no snow was going to stop me!) and revelling in my routine!!
I apologize for not getting the new/the fun/the unusual up for you to see but with lots of prayers and TLC Dad will hopefully return to his old state!!
Have a very happy, healthy, joyous New Year and look for more new ASAP!! Love to you all--Molly