Friday, April 30, 2010
Ideas for Graduation stitching

Happy Friday to you all-What a busy time of year this is! What a weekend I have coming up and I'm sure you all are in the same boat-if only we could find those stinking paddles, huh?!
We have had sooo many people ask for Graduation samplers to stitch-and believe us when we say we would love to have many in stock but there aren't many out there-after a dear customer, Yvonne, came in Wednesday to pick up one she stitched our brains started whirring...why does it specifically have to say "graduation", right??! So, I have posted some traditional graduation pieces as well as some samplers that could be adapted for graduation! Please let us know if we can order anything from above or if we can help you adapt something you have or we have here already...
Have a good weekend-try to get some "you" time to stitch, read, sit in the sun, daydream!~! Hopefully, I'll be posting some "new" pics later today!! xoxo Molly
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thank you!

A BIG thank you to all that participated in our PJ sale on Saturday, April 24th! It was lots of fun-to Nicole and Phyllis thank you for the most delicious frosted doughnuts I have ever tasted-they went very fast! To Catherine-thank you for the Strawberry Muffins (aww Strawberry! In honor of TSS!) To Jacki-thank you for the Cheesecake Muffins-gone before we left here on Saturday! To Sue-thank you for the coffee! To all that made our day so terrific-we thank you-you have no idea how we appreciate you! I was so impressed at the number of you that came out and came in your jam-jams!! To the gals at TSS-Beth, Ruthie, Nancy, Stella, Mary Anne, Phyllis, and Lise thank you for all of your hard work, friendship, and teamwork! Big hugs!! Molly
Friday, April 23, 2010
Hope to see you (or hear from you) tomorrow!

Hey all-So sorry I haven't been blogging this week much-I have been in a tear to get the new stuff up on our website and have been negligent on all else! Buggers! To all of you waiting on frames, info, and recipes...I will back to business next week!
Now, I found my cute PJ's last night and am ready for tomorrow-can't wait to see you all (or hear from those that live too far!)...we have posted lots of great new stuff and are now waiting for it to arrive-so get here and pre-pay for it tomorrow-or get your Carriage House graphs at 20% (with PJ's 25%!) off-such a deal!
My Miley and Nemo went to vet for check-ups today-Little Nemo is now 11 pounds!! WOW! And this AM he came down the big set of stairs by his lonesome! He's growing up! AWW! I will get more pics up! And Mr Miley is good-this AM as we walked in I looked down and he had an azalea flower tucked into his ear-he looked so pretty-wish I had had a camera! Sammygirl is good-tolerating those two boys!
Well, you all get a good night's sleep and see you in the early morn!!
Monday, April 19, 2010

Greetings fellow stitchers-A big thank you to all that joined us on Friday night for stitching-it was a blast--we had some new faces (to this group although not new to us at the shop-they are dear to us-Danielle, Marcia and Danielle)...and lots of familiar faces-Marjie, Marian, Cheryl, Bonnie, Deanna, Mary (loved her stories of Chip and Boo!), Linda, Rita, Ruthie, Lise, and Beth...we missed so many of you and hope we see you next month-don't forget it is the second Friday in May-conflict with the Historical Society on the third Frid--so it is the 14th...Again, thank you all for coming-we really appreciate you all!!
Saw on the something new coming from Shakespeare's Peddler and have posted it! I know Catherine G. will be loving this!! Take care today and hope to see you Saturday for the PJ sale...hmmm gotta find me some cute jammies!!!
Molly :)
Friday, April 16, 2010

Hey gals-Here we are at Friday again-and stitching is tonight!! Wahoo! Hope I get to see some of you tonight-those that can't make it I totally understand-the next few weeks are jammed with activities-I feel fortunate to come out on the other side! I was off yesterday and didn't stop-with a puppy you must get outside every hour-I also had totally procrastinated on my taxes...UGH! I made brownies, blueberry coffeecake (a great recipe-let me know if you want me to post it) and rushed off to the Phillies game...yowser!@! I almost fell asleep in my seat!!
The pictures I've posted are from Heart in Hand, Designs by Lisa, Mystic Stitches, Silver Creek, 1XStitch.com, and Turquoise Graphics and Design...
Don't forget about the PJ sale next Saturday----Have a super weekend and get some stitching time for you!!
xoxo Molly
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Upcoming events!

Hi all-just wanted to apologize for not getting more up for you to see-and I wanted to let you know about upcoming events--
This Friday is our monthly Stitching at the Ford-5:30-10PM-please let us know if you can come-or if you've been coming and won't be able to come please let us know too-we need a head count for the room--
Secondly-next Saturday (April 24th) we are having our Pajama Party starting at 7AM-details are on our website http://www.strawberrysampler.com/
Third-We are having Strawberry Stash this week-for every $5 dollars you spend you get $1 in stash to spend in June on ANYTHING!!! A great deal-so say you spend $25.00 you will get $5 free dollars back...fantastic!
Okay, now for the new stuff!! The above are from--Just Nan, Plum Street, Little House ,Samplers Remembered, My Big Toe(mini fobs-these are only a few-so cute-ladybug, doggie, mermaid., autumn leaves, ocean...lots of cute ones! A great gift too)...and Primitive Needleworks--
Hope all is good with you on this most gorgeous day-such a contrast from yesterday here!!
Take care and don't forget about all of the upcoming events!! Molly
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
WOW it's warm!

Well, enough moaning-the above is the next ornament in Little House's series...very sweet! Will be available soon-
Take care and stay cool-thank goodness we will get cooler weather soon-I love Spring and want to enjoy the sweater days!!
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