Hello-greetings to you the day after Howloween! What a fun night last night was-I love to see all of the eager trick-or-treaters out and about--it was a quieter night last night-Lise said she too had fewer visitors-My usual groups from Eastern and Cabrini consisted of more gals this year and not as many of them either...well, they benefited as I was interested in not having too much leftover candy! And two years running-the People's Choice was Skittles (yuck might I say-I buy them as I won't eat them-if it ain't chocolate it ain't worth eating is my motto!)
Well, we've been working like hamsters here-you can always tell if I haven't posted on my blog it's because I'm wearing my roller skates! Big news:
1.We have a new gal working---Catherine G is helping us here at TSS-and she's been just awesome!!! Her blog is http://bramblewoodstitches.blogspot.com/
2. Nancy is coming back from Montana soon-Yahoo! We have missed you sooo much!!
3. Belated congrats to Connie on the birth of her twin grandbabies!! They are adorable!
4. Congrats to Phyllis on her new granddoggie Honey-a rescue found by her daughter-Honey visited us last week and is so sweet!
5. Congrats to Mary Anne on the engagement of her son!
6. Happy B-day to Eileen!
7. Happy Anniversary to my mom and dad! I love you both so very much!
We are getting ready to celebrate our anniversary here at TSS very shortly-stay tuned for more details!
The above is another beautiful design to be released shortly by Tree of Life Samplings-It will go right to my "buy" pile as I love the saying and the design--let us know if you want us to hold a copy for you too!
Have a great day today-it is 11*1*11-only 10 days until 11*11*11!! xoxoxo Molly