Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Well, as we try to get things together here for the Annual Superbowl Sale we listen to stinky reports of possible snow this Saturday-thank goodness, not Sunday...still! I am posting some designs that will be out later this month-make sure you see our website to see a load of new graphs that Beth ordered...and don't forget our Superbowl Sale is Sunday 12 noon to 4PM (God willing and we don't have 6 feet of snow!)--keep checking the website for more info and for weather info too--Hope you all are doing well!!
PS The above are brought to you by Myrtle Grace , Primitive Needle, By The Bay, Monsterbubbles, and Blue Ribbon....

1 comment:

  1. I just can't believe all the snow that you're getting. You can gladly send it up this way (Michigan). We've barely seen any - you've gotten it all!!
